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Friday, July 2, 2010

Thing #11:

This is one of the most useful "things" I have come across in this online class. I really, really like the LibraryThing. I think I am going to use it in my classroom to organize my classroom library. I may do a short library unit at the begininng of school teaching them about the organization of libraries and have some of my students add help me organize the class library. Then, I also want my students learn how to use Library Thing so they can organize their books, get recommendations from me and others and give recommendations too! When I am finished organizing my classroom library which will be quite a task, I will organize my books at home. I am always looking for a book for one of my girls, wondering if I have it and where I have it. (at home or school?! This will really help me get organized. This is a great tool at home and in the classroom. Thanks!


  1. I'm impressed that you have the books from your Library Thing on your blog. I haven't quite figured out how to make it part of my blog. Your idea for putting your classroom library on Library Thing is great! I thought about it when I initially checked out the site, but as I started using it and got frustrated, I decided maybe it wasn't such a great idea! You've given me motivation to go back and try to figure this out! Thanks.

  2. This would be good for organizing the books in the Literacy Lab too!
