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Friday, July 2, 2010

Thing #15:

Future of Libraries

Library 2.0 is both exciting and overwhelming. While I love the idea of all the user centered technology at our fingertips, there is so much to know and learn. There seemed to be such a sense of security knowing that the librarian would always be behind the circulation desk waiting to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems. It seems as if the libraries are moving toward such a user centered environment that I am concerned that I may not be able to find everything I need on my own. I hope libraries are not moving away from having librarians there to answer all of our questions about this new technology!


  1. This is something I worry about too. Technology is great, but I too feel that making contact with a living, breathing human being makes me feel better when it comes to research.

  2. I don't think librarians are going away per se (well, in some districts they are); I just think our roles are changing! And being techy is job security for me! Mia just came in and asked me if I was on your blog because she said the Avatar looks just like you. :-)
