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Friday, July 2, 2010

Thing #19:

Web 2.0 Awards List


I looked at these tools on the awards list:

craigs list
cocktail builder

I think Pandora was my favorite tool. I liked it because I can make up playlists of my favorite songs or artists to play anywhere I have my iphone or computer. I like to use positive reinforcement in my classroom to keep a positive atmosphere for learning in my classroom. One thing the students always ask for when they earn a reward is to listen to music. I used to have them bring in CDs or ipods. The problem with that is that we have had one ipod stolen and sometimes they bring in a CD that has some appropriate songs with others that are not so appropriate. If only one or two people bring CDs, their music is the only music we can listen to. With Pandora, everyone can put in a song or various artists and we can listen to something for everyone. Also, I can listen to music that I like when I am grading papers and I don't have to worry about losing CDs or having my ipod or iphone out on my desk. Finally, I can listen to classical baroque music during class that has been proven to increase learning. I love this tool!


  1. That is such a great incentive idea! I usually just make new stations, but I could see how adding specific songs could be fun. Thanks for sharing! Rock on! :)

  2. Sounds like Pandora can really help with the learning environment! Great way to add something we all love to learning. I am looking forward to playing music next year since I will actually have my own classroom and can set it up easily.

  3. I can't remember if I looked at Pandora or not when I did 23 Things, but I definitely want to check it out. Great ideas!
