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Friday, July 2, 2010

Thing #20:

YouTube & TeacherTube

I have used both of theses tools to teach many times. I think it is really helpful when discussing topics with students and you find that they really don't know about the topic. For example, we were going to the ballet to see LaBayadere. My students didn't know anything about the ballet or this particular ballet. I found on YouTube a clip of several parts of the ballet and explained it to them. They were so excited to go once they were informed.

I can see with both tools I could use this to introduce new topics or give background knowledge on subjects that they know little about. I can use it as a planned tool or even quickly pull it up on the Activeboard if I wasn't aware that my students were not informed on a subject.

1 comment:

  1. Cool. Great idea about the ballet! I was actually in your room when you were showing it to one of your classes.
