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Friday, July 2, 2010

Thing #22:


The thing about Nings is that there are so many social networks out there that it is just too hard to belong to more than one out there. It is way too much to keep up with at one time. I had a myspace and a facebook page at the same time so I could keep up with my daughter and it was just too much. I just don't know how people do it all!


  1. True, there are alot of networks out there! One thing I have seen is teachers creating Nings for their students to use instead of blogs. Isn't it our job to create a safe environment for our students, even online?

  2. I like the idea of having a social networking site for a particular interest (such as a hobby) or profession, but your right -- time is an issue. I spend so much time on the computer as is. But even if you aren't very active on it, it's a good go-to resource for ideas or questions for your particular interest or field.
